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Monday, 15 November 2010

Firesheep in BackTrack 4R1

1) Update your firefox,follow this nice step-by-step guide to do it.
2) Now download firesheep plugin from here . (thx to jnew from github)
3) Open your firefox and go to Tools -> Add-ons -> Extensions and drag there a firesheep plugin.
4) Run Ettercap and start sniffing.
5) Go back to your firefox check the firesheep preferences and hit the "Start Capturing" button!


  1. Hi I am attempting to use Firesheep on Backtrack R2 but I have a problem. In the Firesheep interface preferences, I only have eth0, wlan0 and lo. When i turn on mon0 using airmon-ng, mon0 doesn't appear in the list of interfaces. The same happens for at0 when i use airtun-ng. Is there any command i should use to make these interfaces appear in the dropdown?

  2. Try running Firefox as root. Worked for me.

  3. What switches do you need to start ettercap with? I am getting ReferenceError: cc is not defined when I got into preferences in BT.

  4. The RefernceError: cc is due to some poor coding, I've removed the reference that causes this, try my plugin...;sa=downfile&id=5
